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How do I judge whether I need a poly module or a mono module

There are several solar cells in the market. These cells consist of different photovoltaic modules with different structures. However, very few people know which module is right for them. The modules are:

Monocrystalline Module

The monocrystalline solar panel consists of many small solar cells, each made of a single silicon wafer, making it look smooth and uniform. These solar cells use pure silicon and involve a complex crystal growing process that develops into individual cells that are wired into a solar panel.

Polycrystalline module

Polycrystalline photovoltaic modules contain silicon, which converts sunlight into electricity. Panels made from polycrystalline cells tend to be slightly cheaper and less efficient than single crystals because the cells grow in large blocks of many crystals rather than individually. Before purchasing a photovoltaic solar panel, you must consider the following factors:

  • cost-effective

    Inexpensive Monocrystalline solar panels are relatively expensive compared to polycrystalline solar panels. The polycrystalline panel comes with a unique structural frame that makes it cheaper and easier to assemble. The average price per watch for polycrystalline panels is around Rs 22 while that for single crystal panels is around Rs 24. You need to determine your budget to make the right decision for you.

  • Large or Small Scale Applications

    Monocrystalline solar modules are popular in rooftop solar power systems and are commonly used in large industrial, commercial or residential installations. Polycrystalline solar panels are available in a variety of power ratings and can be used in both small and large installations.

  • Space requirements

    If available roof space is limited, consider monocrystalline solar panels. You can maximize performance even with space constraints to accommodate photovoltaic panels. On the other hand, if you have enough free space on your roof, you can consider polycrystalline solar panels. Monocrystalline solar panels take up minimal space compared to their counterparts. Polycrystalline solar modules are less space-efficient and require more surface area and more space.

  • Appearance

    Monocrystalline solar modules are generally black in color. Polycrystalline solar modules have a mosaic-like surface. These solar panels are made up of multiple silicon crystals, hence they are square in shape and light blue in hue. Many users prefer monocrystalline panels to solar panels because they feel more uniform and are easier on the eye.

  • Longevity of solar panels

    The minimum lifespan of a single crystal is 25 years, but it can exceed 30 years. They usually last much longer than the warranty period, making them worth a long-term investment. These lifetime parameters do not make much of a difference in polycrystalline solar panels, but the warranty period offered by the manufacturer may vary

  • Efficiency

    With mono modules, the cell consists of single crystals, which gives it more freedom of movement to improve the current flow. Hence it is more efficient. With the polycrystalline module, on the other hand, the electrons in each cell have less room to move. Therefore, the efficiency of polycrystalline solar modules is relatively low.

    The efficiency of monocrystalline solar panels is between 19-22% and the efficiency of polycrystalline solar panels is estimated at 16% to 18%.

  • Climate and weather conditions

    Hot and cold weather

    A common misconception is that solar panels work well in high temperatures. But as the temperature rises, the efficiency drops. On sunny days, monocrystalline solar panels perform better than polycrystalline panels due to their low temperature coefficient. cold weather, low temperatures will not adversely affect panel performance unless the panel is covered with snow.

    Clouds and foggy

    Clouds block sunlight from reaching the solar panels. This reduces efficiency regardless of whether the module is monocrystalline or polycrystalline.

    Rain and hailstorms

    Today’s solar modules are extremely resistant to driving rain. The aluminum and glass that connect the solar cells are extremely waterproof. A monocrystalline solar panel system can fail if the panel is lightly covered with snow or dust. Polycrystalline solar panels, on the other hand, are somewhat forgiving under these conditions. Single crystal solar panels work best in high temperature environments.

    It has higher heat resistance than a polycrystalline substrate.

    Read also: Top 10 Solar Panel Manufacturers in India


Monocrystalline solar panels have proven to be the best type of solar panels available on the market. These are considered premium sunscreen products. The panels are relatively expensive, but offer excellent cost-effective performance in almost all temperature conditions.

Your home deserves the best solar technology available today at an affordable price. You can if you are willing to consider the unique features, suitability, pros and cons of the various solar panel options available to you.

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