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Solar Battery

India’s Top-Rated Solar Batteries
for Homes & Commercial Spaces

Successfully deployed across solar applications, INA’s Tall Tubular Lead Acid Batteries are your answer to power outages. Our reliable C10-rated deep cycle batteries with extra thick tubular plates ensure longer backup and lifespan. A unique selection supporting flat, tubular, and VRLA types offers customers choice while a compact profile ensures they take up the least space.


Guaranteed Quality Assurance

Quality, reliability, enduring performance, and cost-effectiveness are the hallmarks that distinguish INA as the manufacturer of best-in-class solar batteries.


Technical Specifications


I NAS401236/INAS751236/I NAS1001236/ INA81501238/ INAS2001236

Type of Container

Polyprolene o Polymere/Polyprolene Co.Polymer/Polyprolene Co.Polymer/Polyprolene Co.Polymer/Polyprolene Co.Polymer/


36 Months /36 Months/36 Months/36 Months/36 Months

Battery Rating

12 V 40AH/12V 75AH/12 V100All/12V 150 AN/12 V 200AH

No.of Positive Plates/Cell


Positive Plate Dimension(S pine X W x T)

110X 15X8/105 X 15X 22/105x 15x8/250x18x8/250x18x8

Nominal Voltage


Terminal Layout


Battery Dimension(L x W x H +2m)

417 x 178 x244/501 x221 x259/501 x 221 x 259/508 x193x597/508 x193 x597

Nagative Plate Dimension (L x W x T)

110X135X2/105x 135 X22/105x135 x22/250x 18542/250x185 x3.2

Dry Battery Weight(KG)

10.500Kg(0. +200)/20.800kg.+400/24.5001+400/34.100kg+200/41.kg +500/

Filled /Charged Battery Weight (kg)

19.0kg +500/33.00kg +.500/38.00kg+.500/59.000kg +.500/69.kg000 +00.500

High efficiency solar batteries. more number of life cycles.

Longer backup & battery life.

Low maintenance, top-up with water required in 3-6 months

Easy to maintain, install and access.

Designed to withstand frequent & long power cuts with quick recharge adaptability.

Compact design, require less space.



The solar batteries are charged by the solar panels. The general timespan of solar batteries could range from 5 years to 15 years. There are various types of solar batteries including lithium-ion, lead-acid, and saltwater batteries. The lithium-ion batteries are known to last the longest. However, lead-acid batteries are, also, known for their superior performance and durability. Saltwater batteries are, primarily, an environment-friendly option. The battery utilizes salt for the storage and dissipation of electricity.

The quality offered by the manufacturer is, also, important when it comes to the performance of the battery. One should, also, check for the warranty by the manufacturer.

The number of solar batteries that you will need for powering up one house depends on the efficiency of the battery. However, the solar batteries that must be required to power a house would depend on different conditions. By considering an average size of 10kWh- Approximately 3 batteries are required when solar panels stop producing energy For off-grid usage, 8 to 12 batteries are required When the grid is not working, one battery is sufficient to power one house.

Solar batteries offer a cost-effective method for consumers. They can save more money as consumers expect from them.

Solar batteries help in storing the energy produced by solar panels. When solar panels stop producing energy i.e. the time sunset, a setup is powered with the help of solar batteries. Inverter batteries function similarly to normal batteries. They are utilized for energy storage and to provide power when the grid is not functioning.

The difference between the two is the way they function. Solar batteries need to be recharged more than once receiving the power directly from the solar panels. Inverter batteries function due to the chemical reaction between the electrodes and the fluid stored in them.

Solar panel installation is considered a suitable option for those places that receive ample amounts of sunlight. There are many factors to consider in understanding whether solar panels are worth your investment.

The major considerations are cost-effectiveness and environmental friendliness. People can save money, with the help of solar panel installation, by the means of savings on electricity bills and getting tax credits. Among all the resources of green energy, solar energy is a budget-friendly option. Besides opting for alternative energy resources, it helps to reduce the carbon footprint which has several environmental benefits. Therefore, the answer is going to be yes.

The costs for a solar battery may differ based on the power efficiency it provides. The average starting price for a solar battery could range from INR 10,000 to INR 16,000. The storage capacity that you require for your home or commercial place can alter the price range for a solar battery.

However, investment in solar batteries is worthwhile because it helps in running a space without the interruptions caused by the power grids. To avail of a solar battery at the best price, you can get in touch with a manufacturer in your own country.

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