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+91 7240 444 666


Solar Manufacturing Excellence

Insolation Energy operates an advanced 1GW solar module manufacturing facility in Rajasthan, India featuring a high degree of automation for consistent quality and maximized production.


Insolation Energy Limited

Near Daulatpura Toll Tax, Jaipur-Delhi Bypass, Village Bagwada,
Jaipur - 303805


Insolation Green Energy Private Limited

Jatawali Industrial Area, Near Shyam Dhani Masala Factory, Tehsil Chomu,
Jaipur – 303806

Our manufacturing line utilizes state-of-the-art equipment for tabbing, stringing, framing, and testing functions to create premier solar modules.

We have rigorous quality control processes based on the latest Indian and international standards. Our in-house lab thoroughly tests product durability and longevity.

As a leading solar company in India, we continuously upgrade our machinery and infrastructure to accommodate emerging technologies and expand manufacturing capacity.

Solar Quality Commitment

Our 1.25 lakh sq. ft. facility established in 2015, complemented by another factory spanning more than 65000 sq.ft., employs advanced technologies for precision engineering.

Our new 1GW facility operational since 2022 has positioned us as a large-scale solar module manufacturer. In 2020, we expanded into solar power packs, batteries, and power conditioning units to provide complete clean energy solutions for households and off-grid usage. Our dedication to research and development drives new sustainable offerings and technologies.


Diversification and Innovation

At Insolation Energy, we believe environmental stewardship and social responsibility are a testament to our commitment to our customers and the planet.

We aim to make a positive impact across solar industry verticals by delivering maximum value to our customers with transparency and accountability. Our partnerships promote mutual understanding, while our zeal for knowledge sharing helps increase solar energy adoption. We take pride in our uncompromising quality, as every solar module we create furthers our mission to harness renewable power. By aligning innovation across teams, we create smarter energy solutions, push boundaries, and meet the diverse needs of all our clients.

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